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Postdoctoral Fellows
We are not currently searching for postdoctoral candidates, but Dr. Chang is always happy to meet and exchange with promising scientists with similar interests. We will of course be looking for qualified postdoctoral candidates again in the future.
We always welcome interest from motivated, ambitious graduate students. There are opportunities in both dry and wet lab research in our group, and Dr. Chang is a strong proponent for integrative, multidisciplinary training. Interested students from Einstein Ph.D. and MSTP programs are encouraged to inquire. We also welcome post-baccalaureates through the Einstein PREP program and visiting graduate and undergraduate students from throughout the world.
Some background in biology and/or computation is a plus but not absolutely required. Our group provides an outstanding research and learning environment, and we value diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please send inquiries with your CV, summary of prior research experience, future research interests, and funding suggestions to roger.chang[at]einsteinmed.edu.